
What if Peter Quill survives the Snap in Avengers: Infinity War and Gamora returns through the Time Variance Authority

– The beginning of Avengers: Endgame goes on as originally until the beginning of the five year time period.
– Peter Quill retires from the Guardians of the Galaxy and leaves those duties to Rocket and Nebula, because he can’t get over his part in what made the Snap possible to happen and that he cannot live without Gamora.
– Just like Thor does, Peter Quill goes on to become very fat and drunk and takes on the appearance of a Viking.
– But Peter Quill’s time as a fat and drunk and lazy Viking does not last long because of the Return of Gamora (original self) thanks to the Time Variance Authority.
– Gamora is very shocked beyond belief at seeing Peter Quill very fat and drunk, because she has never seen Peter Quill take getting drunk to a whole new level.
– Gamora is able to get Peter Quill’s attention and they have an emotional reunion.
– Then when Peter Quill tells Gamora when they’re alone with each other about what happened and why he’s been resorting to getting fat and drunk when Gamora encourages him to talk about what he’s been going through and be open with her about his feelings and experiences, Gamora feels very sympathetic as she hates seeing Peter Quill like this.
– Gamora gets very affectionate with Peter Quill and comforts him as she tells him that she’s there now and that they have a chance to be together again and they again confess their love for each other.
– Gamora puts Peter Quill through rehabilitation to get him back into shape which inspires Thor to do the same and Nebula has an emotional reunion of her own with Gamora.
– Then instead of using the Quantum Realm for the Time Heist, the surviving heroes use the Time Variance Authority with help from a version of Loki that works with the Time Variance Authority, and this time, 2014 Thanos is not able to figure out the surviving heroes’ plan, and so the Battle of Earth does not happen.
– Then instead of going to Earth to reunite with his grandfather Jason Quill by the end of Guardians of the Galaxy Volume Three, Peter Quill settles down with Gamora on Knowhere.

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